
Quint & Quint is a visual storytelling and impact marketing agency based in New York City. We use an artful blend of documentary photography and video production to help select institutions and nonprofits wildly surpass their fundraising and brand awareness campaign goals.

Cadbury Proposes a Treasure Hunt. Archaeologists Are Horrified.

The beloved chocolatier missed the mark with a marketing campaign that equated “digging in” to a box of chocolates with digging up artifacts at heritage sites. The campaign encouraged consumers to “grab your metal detector and go hunting for Roman riches” and other artifacts at specific sites around Britain and Ireland. It’s a fun idea at first, but if you consider the reality of the suggestion - going out and destroying “ancient treasure” is just a bad idea. Read the full story at

Life Without Plastic Is Possible. It’s Just Very Hard.

Some companies are jumping on the plastic-free wave, but in general it’s still very difficult to go without plastic in modern life. Everything from brushing your teeth to preparing a meal involves consuming a product that is somehow packaged in or made of plastic. It’s critical that we all learn how to have a lower impact on the planet, but it seems like we’ll need larger systemic change to address this issue. Learn about what it takes to live plastic free with this article from

NYC continues to grapple with lack of diversity at top performing High Schools.

NYC continues to grapple with lack of diversity at top performing public High Schools.

Despite Mayor Bill de Blasio’s mission to diversity specialized high schools, the elite public high schools in New York City continue to admit very few black students. At Stuyvesant High School, only 10 black students were admitted last year, and only 13 the year before. There’s still so much work to be done in ensuring equal access to education in this country - a problem that hits home here in New York City. To learn more, read the full story at

It takes a friend to get a friend to vote.

It takes a friend to get a friend to vote.

Like with anything, we trust a reference or recommendation from a friend more than that of a stranger. It should come as no surprise then that the same applies to voting. A couple of new apps have been developed to connect voters with their friends and facilitate political conversation amongst friend groups. Learn more about this technology at

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Celebrating joy and resistance across the African diaspora.

Photographer Adreinne Waheed documents Black culture in times of celebration, resistance, and all of the moments in between. Waheed says that the exhibition Black Joy & Resistance that opened in Betti Ono in Oakland “beautifully displays who we are, juxtapose to how we are sometimes made to feel.” Learn more about her work and see the photographs at

International Rescue Committee spotlights the dreams, ambitions, and abilities of these young Syrian refugees to highlights their important work.
syrian refugees

International Rescue Committee spotlights the dreams, ambitions, and abilities of these young Syrian refugees to highlights their important work.

Reading about the hopes and dreams of these young Syrian girls will warm your heart, and most importantly, remind us that they are no different from any child. This is a great example of photography and visual storytelling being used share the impact that this nonprofit’s work is having on people’s lives and motivate people to support their work. Learn more about the International Rescue Committee’s work and these girls’ stories at

This is what leadership looks like.
gun control

This is what leadership looks like.

We applaud Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand for her swift action on announcing a national ban on all military-style semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. These tragedies are preventable, and it’s so important that leadership in government take actionable steps to keep their citizens safe. Learn more about the safety measures New Zealand is adopting at

These stats will make you take another look at email marketing.
email marketing

These stats will make you take another look at email marketing.

If you’re wondering if email is still a relevant marketing strategy, then this list of stats will reassure you. For example “email generates $38 for every $1 spent, which is an astounding 3,800% ROI, making it one of the most effective options available.” Not only will strategic email marketing strengthen your relationships with your audience, those relationships translate into a solid return on investment. Visit for more impressive stats.

A guide to hope-based communications.

A guide to hope-based communications.

When rallying support around serious global issues, it’s essential to present your audience with a hope-filled, strong story. It’s not about glossing over difficult subjects, but about highlighting opportunities for growth, change, and impact. That’s why we love this guide to hope-based communications by OpenGlobalRights. Learn more about their communication strategies at

Youth around the world takes a stand on climate change.
climate march

Youth around the world takes a stand on climate change.

We’re so inspired by these young people around the world taking a stand for the planet, and grateful to the dedicated photographers who documented this historic moment. It’s so powerful to see citizens globally fight for our future. Learn more about the recent global protest at

Coors Light introduces smart tap to reward people when Bud Light airs negative ads.

Coors Light introduces smart tap to reward people when Bud Light airs negative ads.

The next round is on Coors Light! After numerous attacks on the brand from competitor Bud Light, Coors decided that they, and their customers, wanted to move onto something better and more interesting… like sitting down with a cold drink. So, they created ‘The Coors Light,’ a smart beer tap that will monitor for any negativity from Bud Light on social-media and broadcast-media, and give out a free round of drinks every time it’s detected. That’s one way to keep it positive! Learn more about the campaign on

This designer refuses to call people ‘users’

This designer refuses to call people ‘users’

Interesting read from, questioning the way that we use the term “users” when talking about UX/UI rather than “people.” It’s so important to remember that people are at the heart of everything we do, and that they are more complicated than abstract numbers, figures, or performance. Read the full story at

How a stranger reminded this illustrator of her love for drawing.

How a stranger reminded this illustrator of her love for drawing.

Just a nice little reminder how nice it is to doodle. Drawing is the simplest, fastest way to get an idea down, but can also be a great way to channel your energy into something positive. As the author and illustrator of this journal puts it, “ the great thing about a sketchbook is that it is for you. It’s where ideas, conscious and unconscious, form. Accidents happen, but they are happy accidents.” Read more about her story at