
Quint & Quint is a visual storytelling and impact marketing agency based in New York City. We use an artful blend of documentary photography and video production to help select institutions and nonprofits wildly surpass their fundraising and brand awareness campaign goals.

Posts tagged equality
Some things aren’t worth compromise.
do what's right

This activist lays out the case for not falling for the “find common ground” solution. Sometimes, the challenger you’re facing is so far down the wrong path that meeting them in the middle still means you’re heading down a dark road. Case in point: “Is it more essential that we comprehend the motives of white nationalists, or is it more urgent that we prevent them from terrorizing communities of color and those who oppose racism?” Read the full article at

Gillete defends image of plus-size model after being accused of promoting obesity.
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Last week, Gillette went to bat defending their twitter post showing a plus-size model in a bikini at the beach. After posting, they were immediately bombarded with accusations of promoting obesity and unhealthy lifestyles. Read the comments for yourself, they are brutal.

At the end of the day, a strangers’ health is none of your business. It is between them and their doctor. Since when has shame been a healthy motivator for anything?

Women have always been told that their worth is contingent on the status of their body: can it bear a child? can it do free labor? can it please a man? can it work a 60 hour work week and still look fit, fresh, ready (and smiling) come Monday morning?

Let’s all agree that women’s bodies belong to them - and that their health, appearance, and ability is none of your business. Just let her live, and god forbid, choose to love herself unconditionally.

How can YOU treat people differently?
best buddies

Did you know that 60% of people still believe that individuals with intellectual disabilities should be segregated in schools and in the workplace? The problem is that not everyone knows or has met someone with an intellectual disability. The Schriver Report Snapshot conducted by  Harris Poll for The Special Olympic International World Games and Shriver Media found that:

  • the 56% of Americans who know someone with ID are twice as likely to understand the facts behind it

  • and Americans who’ve never met someone with ID are three times less likely to find the R-word offensive in any context

It seems that the best way to promote empathy and understanding is making sure that people of all abilities are welcome and supported in our public spaces, schools, and places of work. We were moved by this testimony from Best Buddies Global Ambassador Paul Brooks, calling on us all to make everyone feel included, regardless of ability:

“Together we can make a difference and to influence our culture for people with disabilities, if we spread the word for inclusion! We have the power to use language that invites people in and encourages them to be themselves”

Read Brooks’ full story at, and make your pledge for inclusion today.

NYC continues to grapple with lack of diversity at top performing High Schools.

NYC continues to grapple with lack of diversity at top performing public High Schools.

Despite Mayor Bill de Blasio’s mission to diversity specialized high schools, the elite public high schools in New York City continue to admit very few black students. At Stuyvesant High School, only 10 black students were admitted last year, and only 13 the year before. There’s still so much work to be done in ensuring equal access to education in this country - a problem that hits home here in New York City. To learn more, read the full story at

Introducing the Equality Act.
the equality act

Introducing the Equality Act.

It’s past time that we include protections for transgender people and their families. The Equality Act has been introduced by a bipartisan group of members of Congress. This legislation would “explicitly and strongly extend civil rights protections to cover LGBTQ people nationwide.” Learn more about the important protections it would provide on

“There can be no separate college admission system for the wealthy.”

“There can be no separate college admission system for the wealthy.”

The College Scandal Case reminds us of the important work that must continue to take place at American universities to ensure equal access to education, regardless of applicants privilege. As put by the US Attorney Andrew Lelling of Massachusetts, "There can be no separate college admission system for the wealthy, and I'll add that there will not be a separate criminal justice system either.” Read more about this developing story at

Is she bossy, or just a boss? This slack plug-in highlights unconscious gender-bias.

Is she bossy, or just a boss? This slack plug-in highlights unconscious gender-bias.

The women’s workplace nonprofit Catalyst has created a Slack plugin that points out unconscious gender-bias in conversations on the app at work. Language is important, and projects like this reminds us all that the wrong words hurt. Read more at