
Quint & Quint is a visual storytelling and impact marketing agency based in New York City. We use an artful blend of documentary photography and video production to help select institutions and nonprofits wildly surpass their fundraising and brand awareness campaign goals.

Posts tagged advertising
Cadbury Proposes a Treasure Hunt. Archaeologists Are Horrified.

The beloved chocolatier missed the mark with a marketing campaign that equated “digging in” to a box of chocolates with digging up artifacts at heritage sites. The campaign encouraged consumers to “grab your metal detector and go hunting for Roman riches” and other artifacts at specific sites around Britain and Ireland. It’s a fun idea at first, but if you consider the reality of the suggestion - going out and destroying “ancient treasure” is just a bad idea. Read the full story at

Coors Light introduces smart tap to reward people when Bud Light airs negative ads.

Coors Light introduces smart tap to reward people when Bud Light airs negative ads.

The next round is on Coors Light! After numerous attacks on the brand from competitor Bud Light, Coors decided that they, and their customers, wanted to move onto something better and more interesting… like sitting down with a cold drink. So, they created ‘The Coors Light,’ a smart beer tap that will monitor for any negativity from Bud Light on social-media and broadcast-media, and give out a free round of drinks every time it’s detected. That’s one way to keep it positive! Learn more about the campaign on

US Air Force recruits women pilots by highlighting its own.

US Air Force recruits women pilots by highlighting its own.

The best way to recruit people to your cause it to inspire them with a powerful, true story. This campaign for the US Air force is great, because it highlights their own and lets these women speak for themselves. So powerful to see these pioneering women talk about their experiences. See the spot at

Is she bossy, or just a boss? This slack plug-in highlights unconscious gender-bias.

Is she bossy, or just a boss? This slack plug-in highlights unconscious gender-bias.

The women’s workplace nonprofit Catalyst has created a Slack plugin that points out unconscious gender-bias in conversations on the app at work. Language is important, and projects like this reminds us all that the wrong words hurt. Read more at